
Command-line interface related functions.

  1"""Command-line interface related functions."""
  3import argparse
  4import os
  5import sys
  7import omero.gateway
  9from loguru import logger as log
 11from .__init__ import __version__
 12from . import formatting
 13from . import hrm
 14from . import omero as _omero
 15from . import transfer
 16from .misc import printlog
 19def bool_to_exitstatus(value):
 20    """Convert a boolean to a POSIX process exit code.
 22    As boolean values in Python are a subset of int, `True` corresponds to the int value
 23    '1', which is the opposite of a successful POSIX return code. Therefore, this
 24    function simply inverts the boolean value to turn it into a proper exit code. In
 25    case the provided value is not of type `bool` it will be returned unchanged.
 27    Parameters
 28    ----------
 29    value : bool or int
 30        The value to be converted.
 32    Returns
 33    -------
 34    int
 35        0 in case `value` is `True`, 1 in case `value` is `False` and `value` itself in
 36        case it is not a bool.
 37    """
 38    if isinstance(value, bool):
 39        return not value
 41    return value
 44def arguments_parser():
 45    """Set up the commandline arguments parser.
 47    Returns
 48    -------
 49    argparse.ArgumentParser
 50        The parser instance ready to be run using its `parse_args()` method.
 51    """
 52    # log.debug("Parsing command line arguments...")
 53    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 54        description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
 55    )
 56    argparser.add_argument(
 57        "-v",
 58        "--verbose",
 59        dest="verbosity",
 60        action="count",
 61        default=0,
 62        help="verbose messages (repeat for more details)",
 63    )
 65    argparser.add_argument(
 66        "--version",
 67        action="version",
 68        version=f"%(prog)s {__version__}",
 69    )
 71    argparser.add_argument(
 72        "-c",
 73        "--config",
 74        default="/etc/hrm.conf",
 75        help="the HRM configuration file (default: '/etc/hrm.conf')",
 76    )
 78    argparser.add_argument(
 79        "--dry-run",
 80        action="store_true",
 81        default=False,
 82        help="print requested action and parameters without actually performing it",
 83    )
 85    # required arguments group
 86    req_args = argparser.add_argument_group(
 87        "required arguments", "NOTE: MUST be given before any subcommand!"
 88    )
 89    req_args.add_argument("-u", "--user", required=True, help="OMERO username")
 91    subparsers = argparser.add_subparsers(
 92        help=".",
 93        dest="action",
 94        description="Action to be performed, one of the following:",
 95    )
 97    # checkCredentials parser
 98    subparsers.add_parser(
 99        "checkCredentials", help="check if login credentials are valid"
100    )
102    # retrieveChildren parser
103    parser_subtree = subparsers.add_parser(
104        "retrieveChildren", help="get the children of a given node object (JSON)"
105    )
106    parser_subtree.add_argument(
107        "--id",
108        type=str,
109        required=True,
110        help='ID of the parent object, e.g. "ROOT", "G:4:Experimenter:7',
111    )
113    # OMEROtoHRM parser
114    parser_o2h = subparsers.add_parser(
115        "OMEROtoHRM", help="download an image from the OMERO server"
116    )
117    parser_o2h.add_argument(
118        "-i",
119        "--imageid",
120        required=True,
121        help='the OMERO ID of the image to download, e.g. "G:4:Image:42"',
122    )
123    parser_o2h.add_argument(
124        "-d",
125        "--dest",
126        type=str,
127        required=True,
128        help="the destination directory where to put the downloaded file",
129    )
131    # HRMtoOMERO parser
132    parser_h2o = subparsers.add_parser(
133        "HRMtoOMERO", help="upload an image to the OMERO server"
134    )
135    parser_h2o.add_argument(
136        "-d",
137        "--dset",
138        required=True,
139        dest="dset",
140        help='the ID of the target dataset in OMERO, e.g. "G:7:Dataset:23"',
141    )
142    parser_h2o.add_argument(
143        "-f",
144        "--file",
145        type=str,
146        required=True,
147        help="the image file to upload, including the full path",
148    )
149    parser_h2o.add_argument(
150        "-n",
151        "--name",
152        type=str,
153        required=False,
154        help="a label to use for the image in OMERO",
155    )
156    parser_h2o.add_argument(
157        "-a",
158        "--ann",
159        type=str,
160        required=False,
161        help="annotation text to be added to the image in OMERO",
162    )
164    return argparser
167def verbosity_to_loglevel(verbosity):
168    """Map the verbosity count to a named log level for `loguru`.
170    Parameters
171    ----------
172    verbosity : int
173        Verbosity count as returned e.g. by the following argparse code:
174        `argparser.add_argument("-v", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0)`
176    Returns
177    -------
178    str
179        A log level name that can be used with `loguru.logger.add()`.
180    """
181    log_level = "WARNING"  # no verbosity flag has been provided -> use "WARNING"
182    if verbosity > 3:  # -vvvv (4) and more will result in "TRACE"
183        log_level = "TRACE"
184    if verbosity == 3:  # -vvv will be "DEBUG"
185        log_level = "DEBUG"
186    elif verbosity == 2:  # -vv will be "INFO"
187        log_level = "INFO"
188    elif verbosity == 1:  # -v will be "SUCCESS"
189        log_level = "SUCCESS"
190    return log_level
193def logger_add_file_sink(hrm_config, target=""):
194    """Helper to add a file sink to the logger unless disabled in the config file.
196    By default logging messages from the connector into a separate file is desired, so
197    this function will try to add a file sink by default. Only if the HRM configuration
198    file explicitly asks for no log file to be created it will skip this step.
200    Parameters
201    ----------
202    hrm_config : dict
203        A parsed HRM configuration file as returned by `hrm_omero.hrm.parse_config()`.
204    target : str, optional
205        The path for the log file to be used. If empty (or skipped) the default
206        `$HRM_LOG/omero-connector.log` will be used, falling back to
207        `HRM_LOG="/var/log/hrm"` in case `$HRM_LOG` is not set in the hrm configuration.
208    """
209    disable_file_logging = hrm_config.get("OMERO_CONNECTOR_LOGFILE_DISABLED", "")
210    if disable_file_logging:
211        return
213    if not target:
214        log_base = hrm_config.get("HRM_LOG", "/var/log/hrm")
215        target = f"{log_base}/omero-connector.log"
217    log_level = hrm_config.get("OMERO_CONNECTOR_LOGLEVEL", "INFO")
218    try:
219        log.add(target, level=log_level)
220        log.trace(f"Added file sink for logging: {target}.")
221    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except
222        log.error(f"Adding a file sink for logging failed: {err}")
225def run_task(args):
226    """Parse commandline arguments and initiate the requested tasks."""
227    argparser = arguments_parser()
228    args = argparser.parse_args(args)
230    # one of the downsides of loguru is that the level of an existing logger can't be
231    # changed - so to adjust verbosity we actually need to remove the default logger and
232    # re-add it with the new level (see
233    log_level = verbosity_to_loglevel(args.verbosity)
234    log.remove()
235    log.add(sys.stderr, level=log_level)
237    log.success(f"Logging verbosity requested: {args.verbosity} ({log_level})")
239    hrm_config = hrm.parse_config(args.config)
240    host = hrm_config.get("OMERO_HOSTNAME", "localhost")
241    port = hrm_config.get("OMERO_PORT", 4064)
242    omero_logfile = hrm_config.get("OMERO_DEBUG_LOG", "")
244    log_level = hrm_config.get("OMERO_CONNECTOR_LOGLEVEL")
245    if log_level:
246        log.remove()
247        log.add(sys.stderr, level=log_level)
248        log.success(f"Log level set from config file: {log_level}")
250    logger_add_file_sink(hrm_config)
252    # NOTE: reading the OMERO password from an environment variable instead of an
253    # argument supplied on the command line improves handling of this sensitive data as
254    # the value is *NOT* immediately revealed to anyone with shell access by simply
255    # looking at the process list (which is an absolute standard procedure to do). Since
256    # it is not passed to any other functions here (except the call to `BlitzGateway`)
257    # this also prevents it from being shown in an annotated stack trace in case an
258    # uncaught exception is coming through.
259    # However, this doesn't provide super-high security as it will still be possible for
260    # an admin to inspect the environment of a running process. Nevertheless going
261    # beyond this seems a bit pointless here as an admin could also modify the code that
262    # is actually calling the connector to get hold of user credentials.
263    passwd = os.environ.get("OMERO_PASSWORD")
264    if not passwd:
265        printlog("ERROR", "ERROR: no password given to connect to OMERO!")
266        return False
268    if args.action == "checkCredentials":
269        log.trace("checkCredentials")
270        perform_action = _omero.check_credentials
271        kwargs = {}
273    elif args.action == "retrieveChildren":
274        log.trace("retrieveChildren")
275        perform_action = formatting.print_children_json
276        kwargs = {"omero_id":}
278    elif args.action == "OMEROtoHRM":
279        log.trace("OMEROtoHRM")
280        perform_action = transfer.from_omero
281        kwargs = {
282            "omero_id": args.imageid,
283            "dest": args.dest,
284        }
286    elif args.action == "HRMtoOMERO":
287        log.trace("HRMtoOMERO")
288        perform_action = transfer.to_omero
289        kwargs = {
290            "omero_id": args.dset,
291            "image_file": args.file,
292            "omero_logfile": omero_logfile,
293        }
295    else:
296        printlog("ERROR", "No valid action specified that should be performed!")
297        return False
299    conn = omero.gateway.BlitzGateway(
300        username=args.user,
301        passwd=passwd,
302        host=host,
303        port=port,
304        secure=True,
305        useragent="",
306    )
308    try:
309        if args.dry_run:
310            printlog("INFO", "*** dry-run, only showing action and parameters ***")
311            printlog("INFO", f"function: {perform_action.__qualname__}")
312            for key, value in kwargs.items():
313                printlog("INFO", f"{key}: [{str(value)}]")
315            return True
317        return perform_action(conn, **kwargs)
319    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except  # pragma: no cover
320        log.error(f"An unforeseen error occured: {err}")
321        return False
322    finally:
323        conn.close()
324"Closed OMERO connection [user={args.user}].")
328def main(args=None):
329    """Wrapper to call the run_task() function and return its exit code."""
330    if not args:
331        args = sys.argv[1:]
332    sys.exit(bool_to_exitstatus(run_task(args)))
def bool_to_exitstatus(value):
20def bool_to_exitstatus(value):
21    """Convert a boolean to a POSIX process exit code.
23    As boolean values in Python are a subset of int, `True` corresponds to the int value
24    '1', which is the opposite of a successful POSIX return code. Therefore, this
25    function simply inverts the boolean value to turn it into a proper exit code. In
26    case the provided value is not of type `bool` it will be returned unchanged.
28    Parameters
29    ----------
30    value : bool or int
31        The value to be converted.
33    Returns
34    -------
35    int
36        0 in case `value` is `True`, 1 in case `value` is `False` and `value` itself in
37        case it is not a bool.
38    """
39    if isinstance(value, bool):
40        return not value
42    return value

Convert a boolean to a POSIX process exit code.

As boolean values in Python are a subset of int, True corresponds to the int value '1', which is the opposite of a successful POSIX return code. Therefore, this function simply inverts the boolean value to turn it into a proper exit code. In case the provided value is not of type bool it will be returned unchanged.

  • value (bool or int): The value to be converted.
  • int: 0 in case value is True, 1 in case value is False and value itself in case it is not a bool.
def arguments_parser():
 45def arguments_parser():
 46    """Set up the commandline arguments parser.
 48    Returns
 49    -------
 50    argparse.ArgumentParser
 51        The parser instance ready to be run using its `parse_args()` method.
 52    """
 53    # log.debug("Parsing command line arguments...")
 54    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
 55        description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
 56    )
 57    argparser.add_argument(
 58        "-v",
 59        "--verbose",
 60        dest="verbosity",
 61        action="count",
 62        default=0,
 63        help="verbose messages (repeat for more details)",
 64    )
 66    argparser.add_argument(
 67        "--version",
 68        action="version",
 69        version=f"%(prog)s {__version__}",
 70    )
 72    argparser.add_argument(
 73        "-c",
 74        "--config",
 75        default="/etc/hrm.conf",
 76        help="the HRM configuration file (default: '/etc/hrm.conf')",
 77    )
 79    argparser.add_argument(
 80        "--dry-run",
 81        action="store_true",
 82        default=False,
 83        help="print requested action and parameters without actually performing it",
 84    )
 86    # required arguments group
 87    req_args = argparser.add_argument_group(
 88        "required arguments", "NOTE: MUST be given before any subcommand!"
 89    )
 90    req_args.add_argument("-u", "--user", required=True, help="OMERO username")
 92    subparsers = argparser.add_subparsers(
 93        help=".",
 94        dest="action",
 95        description="Action to be performed, one of the following:",
 96    )
 98    # checkCredentials parser
 99    subparsers.add_parser(
100        "checkCredentials", help="check if login credentials are valid"
101    )
103    # retrieveChildren parser
104    parser_subtree = subparsers.add_parser(
105        "retrieveChildren", help="get the children of a given node object (JSON)"
106    )
107    parser_subtree.add_argument(
108        "--id",
109        type=str,
110        required=True,
111        help='ID of the parent object, e.g. "ROOT", "G:4:Experimenter:7',
112    )
114    # OMEROtoHRM parser
115    parser_o2h = subparsers.add_parser(
116        "OMEROtoHRM", help="download an image from the OMERO server"
117    )
118    parser_o2h.add_argument(
119        "-i",
120        "--imageid",
121        required=True,
122        help='the OMERO ID of the image to download, e.g. "G:4:Image:42"',
123    )
124    parser_o2h.add_argument(
125        "-d",
126        "--dest",
127        type=str,
128        required=True,
129        help="the destination directory where to put the downloaded file",
130    )
132    # HRMtoOMERO parser
133    parser_h2o = subparsers.add_parser(
134        "HRMtoOMERO", help="upload an image to the OMERO server"
135    )
136    parser_h2o.add_argument(
137        "-d",
138        "--dset",
139        required=True,
140        dest="dset",
141        help='the ID of the target dataset in OMERO, e.g. "G:7:Dataset:23"',
142    )
143    parser_h2o.add_argument(
144        "-f",
145        "--file",
146        type=str,
147        required=True,
148        help="the image file to upload, including the full path",
149    )
150    parser_h2o.add_argument(
151        "-n",
152        "--name",
153        type=str,
154        required=False,
155        help="a label to use for the image in OMERO",
156    )
157    parser_h2o.add_argument(
158        "-a",
159        "--ann",
160        type=str,
161        required=False,
162        help="annotation text to be added to the image in OMERO",
163    )
165    return argparser

Set up the commandline arguments parser.

  • argparse.ArgumentParser: The parser instance ready to be run using its parse_args() method.
def verbosity_to_loglevel(verbosity):
168def verbosity_to_loglevel(verbosity):
169    """Map the verbosity count to a named log level for `loguru`.
171    Parameters
172    ----------
173    verbosity : int
174        Verbosity count as returned e.g. by the following argparse code:
175        `argparser.add_argument("-v", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0)`
177    Returns
178    -------
179    str
180        A log level name that can be used with `loguru.logger.add()`.
181    """
182    log_level = "WARNING"  # no verbosity flag has been provided -> use "WARNING"
183    if verbosity > 3:  # -vvvv (4) and more will result in "TRACE"
184        log_level = "TRACE"
185    if verbosity == 3:  # -vvv will be "DEBUG"
186        log_level = "DEBUG"
187    elif verbosity == 2:  # -vv will be "INFO"
188        log_level = "INFO"
189    elif verbosity == 1:  # -v will be "SUCCESS"
190        log_level = "SUCCESS"
191    return log_level

Map the verbosity count to a named log level for loguru.

  • verbosity (int): Verbosity count as returned e.g. by the following argparse code: argparser.add_argument("-v", dest="verbosity", action="count", default=0)
  • str: A log level name that can be used with loguru.logger.add().
def logger_add_file_sink(hrm_config, target=''):
194def logger_add_file_sink(hrm_config, target=""):
195    """Helper to add a file sink to the logger unless disabled in the config file.
197    By default logging messages from the connector into a separate file is desired, so
198    this function will try to add a file sink by default. Only if the HRM configuration
199    file explicitly asks for no log file to be created it will skip this step.
201    Parameters
202    ----------
203    hrm_config : dict
204        A parsed HRM configuration file as returned by `hrm_omero.hrm.parse_config()`.
205    target : str, optional
206        The path for the log file to be used. If empty (or skipped) the default
207        `$HRM_LOG/omero-connector.log` will be used, falling back to
208        `HRM_LOG="/var/log/hrm"` in case `$HRM_LOG` is not set in the hrm configuration.
209    """
210    disable_file_logging = hrm_config.get("OMERO_CONNECTOR_LOGFILE_DISABLED", "")
211    if disable_file_logging:
212        return
214    if not target:
215        log_base = hrm_config.get("HRM_LOG", "/var/log/hrm")
216        target = f"{log_base}/omero-connector.log"
218    log_level = hrm_config.get("OMERO_CONNECTOR_LOGLEVEL", "INFO")
219    try:
220        log.add(target, level=log_level)
221        log.trace(f"Added file sink for logging: {target}.")
222    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except
223        log.error(f"Adding a file sink for logging failed: {err}")

Helper to add a file sink to the logger unless disabled in the config file.

By default logging messages from the connector into a separate file is desired, so this function will try to add a file sink by default. Only if the HRM configuration file explicitly asks for no log file to be created it will skip this step.

  • hrm_config (dict): A parsed HRM configuration file as returned by hrm_omero.hrm.parse_config().
  • target (str, optional): The path for the log file to be used. If empty (or skipped) the default $HRM_LOG/omero-connector.log will be used, falling back to HRM_LOG="/var/log/hrm" in case $HRM_LOG is not set in the hrm configuration.
def run_task(args):
226def run_task(args):
227    """Parse commandline arguments and initiate the requested tasks."""
228    argparser = arguments_parser()
229    args = argparser.parse_args(args)
231    # one of the downsides of loguru is that the level of an existing logger can't be
232    # changed - so to adjust verbosity we actually need to remove the default logger and
233    # re-add it with the new level (see
234    log_level = verbosity_to_loglevel(args.verbosity)
235    log.remove()
236    log.add(sys.stderr, level=log_level)
238    log.success(f"Logging verbosity requested: {args.verbosity} ({log_level})")
240    hrm_config = hrm.parse_config(args.config)
241    host = hrm_config.get("OMERO_HOSTNAME", "localhost")
242    port = hrm_config.get("OMERO_PORT", 4064)
243    omero_logfile = hrm_config.get("OMERO_DEBUG_LOG", "")
245    log_level = hrm_config.get("OMERO_CONNECTOR_LOGLEVEL")
246    if log_level:
247        log.remove()
248        log.add(sys.stderr, level=log_level)
249        log.success(f"Log level set from config file: {log_level}")
251    logger_add_file_sink(hrm_config)
253    # NOTE: reading the OMERO password from an environment variable instead of an
254    # argument supplied on the command line improves handling of this sensitive data as
255    # the value is *NOT* immediately revealed to anyone with shell access by simply
256    # looking at the process list (which is an absolute standard procedure to do). Since
257    # it is not passed to any other functions here (except the call to `BlitzGateway`)
258    # this also prevents it from being shown in an annotated stack trace in case an
259    # uncaught exception is coming through.
260    # However, this doesn't provide super-high security as it will still be possible for
261    # an admin to inspect the environment of a running process. Nevertheless going
262    # beyond this seems a bit pointless here as an admin could also modify the code that
263    # is actually calling the connector to get hold of user credentials.
264    passwd = os.environ.get("OMERO_PASSWORD")
265    if not passwd:
266        printlog("ERROR", "ERROR: no password given to connect to OMERO!")
267        return False
269    if args.action == "checkCredentials":
270        log.trace("checkCredentials")
271        perform_action = _omero.check_credentials
272        kwargs = {}
274    elif args.action == "retrieveChildren":
275        log.trace("retrieveChildren")
276        perform_action = formatting.print_children_json
277        kwargs = {"omero_id":}
279    elif args.action == "OMEROtoHRM":
280        log.trace("OMEROtoHRM")
281        perform_action = transfer.from_omero
282        kwargs = {
283            "omero_id": args.imageid,
284            "dest": args.dest,
285        }
287    elif args.action == "HRMtoOMERO":
288        log.trace("HRMtoOMERO")
289        perform_action = transfer.to_omero
290        kwargs = {
291            "omero_id": args.dset,
292            "image_file": args.file,
293            "omero_logfile": omero_logfile,
294        }
296    else:
297        printlog("ERROR", "No valid action specified that should be performed!")
298        return False
300    conn = omero.gateway.BlitzGateway(
301        username=args.user,
302        passwd=passwd,
303        host=host,
304        port=port,
305        secure=True,
306        useragent="",
307    )
309    try:
310        if args.dry_run:
311            printlog("INFO", "*** dry-run, only showing action and parameters ***")
312            printlog("INFO", f"function: {perform_action.__qualname__}")
313            for key, value in kwargs.items():
314                printlog("INFO", f"{key}: [{str(value)}]")
316            return True
318        return perform_action(conn, **kwargs)
320    except Exception as err:  # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except  # pragma: no cover
321        log.error(f"An unforeseen error occured: {err}")
322        return False
323    finally:
324        conn.close()
325"Closed OMERO connection [user={args.user}].")

Parse commandline arguments and initiate the requested tasks.

def main(args=None):
329def main(args=None):
330    """Wrapper to call the run_task() function and return its exit code."""
331    if not args:
332        args = sys.argv[1:]
333    sys.exit(bool_to_exitstatus(run_task(args)))

Wrapper to call the run_task() function and return its exit code.